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Mark & Sidney

Period tracking with Venmo

/ 1 min read

Half of people menstruate. Half do not. All people are alive today because of people who menstruate. People who menstruate would pay a reasonable sum to not menstruate. Therefore, people who don’t menstruate are born better off by that sum.

Ideally, the government would redistribute wealth so that people are indifferent about whether or not they menstruate. They don’t.

However, if you do not menstruate and have a menstruating partner, you can do your fraction of the redistribution for the person you love.

Mark currently pays Sidney $75/period. (This is a somewhat arbitrary number - we didn’t think about it that hard and the amount should vary with your situation.)

To menstruators: Periods actually suck so much. If all men menstruated, tampons would definitely be free. We think you shouldn’t settle for anyone who denies that you should be compensated for the “service” you provide to society. However, we recognize that this standard might be too high to be realistic. Get a load of this guy.
